Post ab Leisure of time & academic pressure

-a problem and solution essay
-the source I used for improving my writing skills British Council
-an extra source is one essay on this topic from the internet
-my work has been done according to the material on the website Learn English Teens :
  1 formal or semi-formal language
  2 positive points, recommendations for improvements
  3 introduction-2/3 sections-conclusion
  4 clear headings
  5 reason for writing the report
Also, following some tips from this source I will try to use the correct structure in my essay; to be as much as I can objective; to use only neutral language (to sound professional); to use suitable words for introducing, making comments about some points, contrasting and giving link ideas; I will also include some examples to illustrate ideas.

  There are some questions that can help me out in the process of writing:
     What are the causes of this?
     What are the possible solutions?
     What are reasons for your answer?
     What examples can be provided? (own experience + one/two resources)
  All over the world students feel the academic pressure while studying and do not always succeed in doing everything; in other words, students face the leisure of time during the study process. It is important to know how to stay hardy and do not let some difficulties we always face on our life way, crush our plans for future. For this reason, this issue is worthy to be analyzed. The provided solutions will help us, students, work out our weak points.

  One of the most prevalent causes is the period in student`s semester of their preparation to exams while still studying the program. It is natural to get tired, frustrated, overwrought and unfocused - as we are not machines; so time comes, and we need some more extra energy to overcome study difficulties.  Another one root of the issue is hidden in our passion to do as much as it is possible; not only we bend on our student books but apart from that, we want to spend some time with our relatives, friends, to have a walk around the neighborhood or at least, to find some time for our personal responsibilities.

  To overcome stress with benefit we will look through some of the solutions presented in an essay by Indiee and add some more new helpful points from my experience. First and definitely necessary way is "considering alternative types of assessment" (Indee, pinterest): this can be a course work or a project that requires communicative skills; working as a team people make more effort and remember theory better; taking part in a creative process students tend to be more energetic. The next tip can be planning, a usual way of regulating our work and rest time. This will help us to find that very thing that could obstruct our mobility in a study process, we will be able to "concentrate for longer"; moreover we will work faster and more productively. 

Overview of questions and answers
  After examining the causes it will be also advisable to make a conclusion. We may be able to study with more loss if we learn how to plan our daily life, alotting time for every type of activity wisely.
Therefore, providing students with more opportunities to learn the program in a form of projects will be quite beneficial.


  1. Hello Liza,

    You've written this work in quite an interesting way, that is you first explained how you're going to approach discussing the topic and also discussed the style you're going to write in. You also explained what questions you are going to address in your work. Even though the way you wrote this work is different in form from a standard essay format, actually the way you have done it helped you to address different sides of the issue your work is devoted to in depth. You've used the information from the resources you have chosen to support of your arguments in an effective way. It helped to make your essay more persuasive.

    1. Content/Organisation/Mechanics/Language 5
      Congratulations on writing such a successful essay!

  2. Just one grammar point to remember: *it is worthy to be discussed is incorrect > smth is worth being discussed OR it is worth discussing smth


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