task on the topic: Text Messages Are Too Many?

There are many discussions on this topic. Some people prefer texting and some voice messaging. 

As for the article, Nick Bilton`s point of view is rather strange for me. He is trying to give some arguments regarding to his own opinion which is quite strict: 

"And then there are the worst offenders of all: those who leave a voice mail message and then e-mail to

tell you they left a voice mail message", - he approves.

But the fact is that the so-called "reply-back" communication isn`t a type of annoying one for everybody.

"Some people, especially older ones, appreciate a thank-you message. Others, like me, want no reply."
About my experience.
I voice mail. 
Talking about offending  the receiver by mail, I don`t remember the cases I could annoy somebody seriously. But all the users ever tried mailing with no necessity, if you are communicating with your friends it is not so bad. But if you keep communication with your business partner or any official one (a teacher, a headmaster or a company worker), it is rather disrespectful. So before answering the message you have to be sure the adressor is awaiting it.
I believe people should be available both for asking for some information and for finding it themselves. I cannot make a conclusion that we should worry about using such apps like Facebook, Twitter and the rest of them, as it is good to have different ways for communicating. The fact is we do not always need all the spectrum of opportunities, for one particular aim it is enough to choose just some of them. 
Following these points I was writing my essay.

In our century there are so many possible ways which we use on the internet for sharing information. We can enumerate them for a long time. But for some groups of people it would turn to be hard to name only several of them. According to the given topic people can be divided for text messaging supporters and for voice mailing ones. The problem is the rules of internet-policy are not familiar to them as some usual formulas of a polite conversation in real life. 

People make their choice regarding to their comfort in communication, some choose voice mailing when the rest prefer text messaging. It is clear we will not use only one possible type of connection. On the one hand there are enable to hearing people, so they will definitely like the text mailing variant: on the other hand, there are those for whom it is much more easier to check a voice mail and do  not strain their eyes. Talking about the case when the addressee is enable to read and hear normally but still makes some boundaries for communication we can assume they do not follow the policy rules, a special style of communication which is the one that can be appropriate in a particular server. So ignoring the information about the normal ways of responding they make virtual  communication a problem.

As for me, I use voice mailing, and I prefer text messaging as well. I think, each of us can remember us as kids leaving annoying mails, but if we are speaking about business or any other official types of relations, having knowledge about right behavior in virtual sphere is also important. So giving so-called "back-replies"  to our school teacher or a company worker with no necessity would be rather disrespectful (-Here is your task, students! See you next Monday! -Thank you, teacher!(?). We have to care about other people and do not neglect their time. We should know how to use both of the given methods of communication correctly, voice and text mailing.

Older people got used to live in the world where we all have to be polite and sincere, but the style of our message differ on the internet. So it is not surprising they try to contact people the same way, missing the new methods of communication. To help them understand the rules we use on the internet, it won`t be enough to share them. Nowadays most of the older people cannot manage to get the  internet policy clear. From our side we can offer our help; we can sort out the problem together. This can be special cheap courses for them near their house, located as the supermarkets -  on the  short distance. Or we can provide some of the people who are not available to leave their houses, with our online support: this could be sessions on Skype which is known for most of the older people, and illustrate the examples by the pictures. 



  1. Hello Liza,

    thanks for writing this essay: it's clear from it that its topic is quite interesting for you or at least you have a lot to say on it. It's interesting to read and keeps the readers engaged. I've not spotted any major problems in the essay's language or grammar use.

    What is not quite clear is whether you have used any materials taken from the internet and if you have, why you have not provided any references, which is a required element of your writing at this stage.

    1. Content: 5
      Organisation: 5
      Mechanics: 5
      Language: 5
      Referencing: ???

    2. Thank you for your quick response on my work! Writing the essay I relied on my own experience and knowledge of other people's preferences. I used only the information given at the article by Byron Smith for the New York Times.

    3. I see. Thanks for the explanation. But you haven't provided a reference to it, which is necessary to do without exception whether smb gives you resourcces to use or you choose them yourself. Could you let me know if you have a question about it?

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