Nowadays students strive to find a part-time job. As far as we are concerned, there are both advantages and disadvantages in combining studies  ar university with working for a company.

Let us start with the positive aspects of having a job during the study at the university. First of all, it is a great opportunity to improve your financial situation: they no longer make ends meet. Having extra money


  1. Hello Lizs, as far as I can understand, you have started writing this post but haven't finished. You should do it. Let me just say that if you start writing smth in class and haven't finished, you must finish writing it at home and get it published at least 1 day before your scheduled class

    1. We started this work in groups , and we wrote down this text both at our computers . So it is finished, it is published on Eugenia’s blog. Just I did not want to spam and publish the same as it was task for two persons


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