Post 1 blog training

Article No. 1: (The Guardiang) "Unlawful: the supreme court stuns Boris Johnson"
presented by Rachel Humphreys with Philippe Sands, Peter Walker and Shoshana Zuboffis and written by Shoshana Zuboffis Wed 25 Sep 2019 03.00 BST is devoded to the discussion of the disision of the supreme court to rule against the government on the suspension of parliament.

The author starts the article with the reminding about the recent case at the UN in New York and shares some information  about a "bombshell" rulling in the UK supreme court. Then the readers` attention is drawn to the meeting of Peter Walker and Johnson in New York where there was a Prime Minister`s speech at the recent case.
The author pays attention to some important  moments in London: in her summing up about the case Lady Hale stayed the fact there was an extremely strong effect on the democracy.  And this was surprising and even "eye-opening" for the listeners as Shoshana Zuboff says.

These are some expressions and phrases that might be useful for  your writing:

-Somebody (says) at something
 e.g. Marc Jacobs at the interview questions...

 -to rule against something
e.g. The judge ruled against the farther, stating that he had not shown adequate reason to have sole custody of the children.

-to be giving a speech
e.g. When you are giving a speech, the audience is usually on your side, and the exception might be in politics.

-to resume something
e.g. Business resume samples from real professionals who got hired.

-responce at somebody
e.g. Your responce at the opponents should be swift and intensive.

-to call for somebody
e.g. I`d like to call for Mr Brown.

-an eye-opening case
e.g. This meeting was just an eye-opening case for me!

-summing up something
e.g. Chairperson, summing up the discussion on Iceland`s third periodic report, thanked the deligation for the additional information provided.

I hope you enjoyed the reading of my summary of the report, if it`s not so, I will be sincerely glad to accept some advices.
