lesson 1 | random plot generator

Work of Eugenia Bashkatova and Elizaveta Kamenshchikova in program
"random plot generator".

The setting of the story:
-Autumn, 1968. Chicago
-Amanda Stone: woman in her late forties, who can be quite dishonest  
-Mateo: A man in his late twenties, who can be quite timid.

The story begins in a classroom. Outside the window red leaves rustle, sun rays make their way through grey fluffy clouds.  Mateo stares at the window and wanders in his thoughts. The cold autumn wind plays with his wavy black hair. His dreaminess has been interrupted by the creaking of the door. Ms. Amanda Stone enters the room. She is a woman in her late forties, tall, she looks confident and independent. Her bright green eyes look at Mateo. She greets the young man and asks him about his academic achievements. Mateo hesitates to answer Ms. Stone and just turns his head towards the teacher with a view full of nervousness. He is still silent, there is a tense atmosphere in the room. Ms. Stone walks up to his desk and looks at him with a strange emotion.

"That's weird, but it seems to me that I have seen you before... Have you ever been to Cannes? I used to go there every summer but now I find it quite boring", Amanda says.

"No", Mateo mumbles.

"It's very interesting, your face looks familiar to me."

She takes some photos from her bag and her face changes dramatically. She shows him a photo of a baby boy and a tear drops on the desk.

"You look like...a son of my stepfather's half-sister, Mateo! We've been looking for you for so long!" She puts the photos back in her handbag. Mateo suddenly snatches it, grabs the photo of the unknown boy and peers at it.

"Mateo", Amanda continues with a slight smirk on her face, "it turns out that we are relatives... so why don't we cancel your examination today? You look really smart, just like my stepfather. Coincidentally, right now I need to go..."
"Thank you", utters Mateo hearing a slam of the classroom door slam behind him.
"Strange things," he thinks walking away from his college and hardly understanding who a stepfather's half-sister is.


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