2. I have no idea whether or not Scott Peterson is guilty of murder; it’s too early to tell whether or not the state has strong evidence against him. 
It s still unknown Scott Petetson is guilty for murder, possibly, the state yet  hasn`t  strong evidence against him.

 4. It is stupid for colleges to charge high tuition

 6. Should people bother to make New Year’s resolutions, when research indicates that most people break them within a few weeks anyway? 

 8. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Idaho State University at Boise, and Northern Florida University all have great majors available for students who wish to study the classic films of Adam Sandler and Pauly Shore, two men who are underappreciated yet talented actors who both suffered broken arms before the age of ten while skateboarding (blindfolded) on ice as a result of accepting a dare from their older brothers.

 10. I think that Smallville is probably a pretty innovative television show.

 12. When I first got married, I used to cook three or four nights a week, but in more recent years my wife has ended up cooking dinner most nights.
