Task-11: Part 1 // Semester Assignment-submission


The popularity of this topic is still on the high level. It will be reasonable to study this issue as with time our society has to move gradually up always and learn to leave prejudical beliefs behind its humpbuck back. The resaurch by Levada Center shows itself a qualitative survey of pecularities of the people of Russia in the 20th century, it opens to us possible ways of solution of this issue in 21st century, which will be presented and anilyzed in my essay.

1 - from the article above
2 - my own experience
3 - material from social media
4 - another post, material from social media

To achieve my purpose, I will use such methods as analyzing, comparing, contrasting and critical thinking. Theoretical part is included. The summary of this topic will be the last point in my study.

  More and more people watch demonstration of racism. Why do I use the verb "watch"? The point is people do watch, but don`t they talk about it, don`t show their involvement in this social problem. Giving your opinion on this topic isn`t enough to burry this poser - we need action, and support people who face racism, by our defense. We can talk together, it`s not normal to keep this issue on the shoulders of those, who have experienced acts of descrimination on racial base once or even daily. As far as we know, rasial discrimination is still remain valiant and overspread practice. We can help the young to build more  tolerant forms of social life, while carring about our and their future. 

  To tell the truth, it is believed that racism is a natural part of human. Indeed. "Racism is just a state of mind and thinking unless you don't care about it too much and wear your confidence boldly."  We can set a word order which fully reflects the connection between our attitude and lack of knowledge and social education: xenophobia (xenos+phobos) - antisemitism/ethnocentrism - racism. Racism usually hides its roots in upbringing nuances. A child will not even know his or her attitude is based on empty hatred as this behavior was taught as true. And this makes our way to peace and harmonic coexistence so difficult. So we all have to be careful: "In a situation where a society (state) is being maintained and reproduced, where legal culture is poorly developed, in a civil society and in a situation of social interaction relying on the ability to perceive and handle a social variety of actors, etc – xenophobic attitudes play a role of a “social glue” of a kind, binding the “society” on a negative basis and prompting self-isolation and exclusion rather than social development and sophistication." (1)
We have to provide those who suffer from this, with our defence and protect our nature  brothers and sisters from offenders.

  Why is racism dangerous in daily life as well (if we don`t take into account the main reason - military protests)? It is taking away all the resources in life, without which it is unreal to socialize normally: we manifest negative assessment towards "strangers" in our society; moreover, we do not let them acess to the symbolic positions of prestige, authority and influence (1); and what is quite inaproppriate, we articulate our values, so everything bad and repressed is in "comunity strangers" self-assessment, what the group is trying to get rid of. Affrontors poison our lives. While we hesitate to support, people are being  isolated on the base of prejudical beliefs. Example from instagram (3)

"10 минут назад я спокойно шла по улице и и услышала в свой адрес слово «ЧУКЧА». Я не преграждала никому дорогу, не наступала на ногу, просто взрослому мужчине вдруг нестерпимо захотелось назвать меня ЧУКЧЕЙ... Объясните мне, почему в многонациональной России 21-го века название других национальностей считается оскорблением?!”

As for my own experience, day to day from my friends I hear stories about discrimintive acts and certain violent behaviour. Still, our society has anti-modern features.  Many of Russian men are not enlightened, that we all are equal in our rights, so, they really believe they may show their intolerant attitude by fighting with a stranger of hated by them race. We must change it. Everybody has right to feel safe and sound on this Earth! One more retoric question: how dare people encroach on a person`s boundries and show hate, while they thyselves, certinely, have relatives who were horribly discriminated and were subject of the destraction by the nazis? No ways to catch the idea these people anilyze history events.

  To sum it up, nowadays we are so reticent; we re sure the situation with hatred, racism is much better that it was some centenaries ago, but the true is, the problem will present in our society as long as we misbehave in relations to others. “No calls for tolerance”, - shares Levada Center in their study, -  "friendship among nations work today since they are perceived as empty rhetoric." What we are to do? We can think, we can analize, we can see always contrasting sides - good and evil, so we are to change one of society`s ancient and so old, unreasonable feature - xenophobic behaviour, to make our lives better! Let us form a positive public opinion about national and civil (all-Russian) identity!(1)


  1. Liza,

    you have chosen a very complicated issue for discussion and written a very well-developed and well-organised essay. What's more it's interesting to read and catches the readers' attention from its first line. The images you have illustrated your essay with adds to its persuasiveness. Altogether it is an excellent piece of writing. Congratulations!


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