Task-11: Part 2 // Semester Assignment-submission

Part 2 // How has my writing changed

In this essay I am going to share my experience in writing for three semesters of my study. Examples and theory from three sources will be taken:


First, my writing was influenced by some knowledge that I gained at high school time when I liked communicating in English and watching shows and interviews. But of course, when I came to university, I had to present my works on a higher level than I used to do. And Academic writing course came to my rescue. So later I started noticing, that I can express my thoughts in essays in a better way – faster and more easily; moreover, they my arguments became stronger, and always based on studies.

  To write a good essay we need to care about the style that we use, our language and spelling. Now I am aware of these tricks to get my job done right! At my university I was taught that there are different styles of writing, that depend on nationality too. And this is very interesting factor: "If you’re an American writing for a British publication, then you can use long, complicated sentences. If you’re British and are writing for an American publication, keep it short and direct', - teaches "Daily writing tips". For instance, in formal style it is better to write "estate agent" instead of "realtor".

  Another one important aspect is writing as it is your job. You will never write an exellent work, if you do not understand what you are writing about, and do not support this. "Write like it`s your job", - gives us advices "WordStream Team". And we have to practice over and over again. Who said that writers are born masters? Many famous writers had to practice and improve their craft for years! Now before starting writing my essay I always try to formulate several issues I can develop in my essay an sources that will be used, this helps me to direct ,y thought to the right point, so now I always understand well what I am writing about, and I have many thoughts to share. This is the key to a succesfull job, I think.

  While writing something, weather it is an essay or a letter, we have to be objective and give arguments to our thesis, and our overall opinion, that we leave in conclusion, has to be clear.
In academic writing I had a chance to learn how to use transitional phrases as well, which make our text easy and smooth for reading, this is also useful. I have to remember about many aspects of writing when I want to create a good text, work is not so sinple, but it is worth it - the more we study, the more we see in life. I am definately need writing knowledge in my future.

  To sum it up, I want to point on the fact that I improved my writing skills, now my works are more interesting to read, and when I write something, first I think what is more should be studied in my work. This helps me to lead to the main topic smootly. I am aware of existence of many different styles of writing, so I choose one, which will be appropriate to use in my occasion. Next, I used to write a thesis and some arguments many times before highlighting one version, which can be published. Now I use less time to write a good essay, but still at  least an hour, in total. I have to continue improving my skills and search for new ones from time to time.


  1. Hello Liza,

    you have written a really very good essay about writing. I enjoyed reading it a lot because it shows how your writing has developed throughout the academic year. You have written this essay using several relevant resources ro support your ideas, and it made your work rather persuasive. I am sure that based on the foundation you have built this academic year you will be able to improve your writing skills further on your own in the future and wish you good luck with it!

    Content/Organisation/Mechanics/Language/References: 5

    Things to remember:

    Another one important aspect: another = +1, so in this case "one" is not necessary

    1. Thank you for checking it! I will be definitely striving to improve my skills in further future! It was a pleasure to be your student in these two semesters! Good luck to you too!

  2. It's great to know you're going to improve your writing skills further in the future. Actually, their improvement goes hand in hand with the improvement of the overall language mastery. So, wish you good luck with all of it!

    1. And thanks a lot for your kind words. It was great to have you as one of my students:)


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